Senin, 29 November 2010


"CHITATO" Life is Never Flat 
(My favorite snack : D)
Advertisement is information for persuading and motivating people so that it will atract them to the service and the things that are offered on to or informed. 

Minggu, 28 November 2010

Vocabs : Shapes & Parts of Body



Greeting is an act of communication in which human beings (as well as other members of the animal kingdom) intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship or social status between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other. While greeting customs are highly culture- and situation-specific and may change within a culture depending on social status and relationship, they exist in all known human cultures. Greetings can be expressed both audibly and physically, and often involve a combination of the two. This topic excludes military and ceremonial salutes but includes rituals other than gestures.

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect


[has/have + past participle]
  • You have seen that movie many times.
  • Have you seen that movie many times?
  • You have not seen that movie many times.

USE 1 Unspecified Time Before Now

We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. You CANNOT use the Present Perfect with specific time expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, etc. We CAN use the Present Perfect with unspecific expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc.

Simple Past Tense

He was studying about the "Simple Past Tense."   

Are you also want to learn about the Simple Past Tense ?

Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Procedure Text

Hi, guys. : )
 I'm want  making fried rice. Do you want to help me make fried rice? Then follow these steps to make fried rice below.
 Title/Goal :
How to make a Fried Rice

Would you like to make a nice, steaming, pan full of fried rice? Fried rice is very easy to make, also delicious. It can be prepared in many ways, this is just one of them. It takes 20 minutes to prepare and it goes with lots of things! Read on to learn how to make this excellent dish!

Jumat, 26 November 2010

Narrative Text

When I was kid, before I sleep my mother always read me a fairy tale. But these tales are not just a story. That's story is "NARRATIVE TEXT". Do you know what is Narrative Text ?

Narrative Text 
Narrative text is which contains about story (fiction/non fiction/tales/folktales/fables/myths/epic) and in is plot consist of climax of the story (complication0 then followed by the resolution.